Mortgaging Your Future

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OK, let’s take a moment to pick on those /wsb wankers again. Check this out:

To explain – – this is a chap in South Carolina who took out a second mortgage against his house of $100,000 to, almost certainly buy some short-dated, highly-aggressive calls for GME. He’s probably already run the numbers to see how to turn his $100,000 bet into his first million bucks.

Here, by the way, is GME. The same GME that spend months going down, losing 80% of its value. The same GME that has doubled in price in just a few days, on huge volume, based on nothing but the /wsb lunatics piling into it. And the same GME which, I can almost guarantee you, is going to leave this guy with his dick in one hand and a $100,000 interest-bearing debt in the other.