The Gospel Truth

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Uncertainty is a fact of life, and with the #1 story these days being the Debt Ceiling, it seems things are more uncertain than ever. Nonsense! Here are a few truths you can put in The Bible:

  • The U.S. isn’t going to default;
  • Instead, the warring political parties will get as much press as they can, and pander as much as they are able to their constituents, right up to the brink;
  • There will be some kind of meaningless concessions on which they all finally agree, and the entire issue will vanish instantly, even if they miss the so-called X-Date by a few days;
  • Thus, our nation will gleefully march its way to its next debt level of $40 trillion, which matters as much as if it were $500 trillion, since none of it is ever going to be paid back in any genuine way regardless of how gargantuan it becomes.
  • The end result is that the federal government is simply going to grow larger and larger until it eventually either collapses into utter chaos or winds up making 90% of the population wards of the state by way of Universal Basic Income.

The decrepit Janet Yellen is playing her role in this performance beautifully, using scare tactics to try to cow the other side into compliance. This is all political theatre, and it’s an embarrassing farce that this once-great nation has now been reduced to a grotesque and degenerate debt addict that can only beg and plead for more trillions, since it is is incapable of making any difficult yet sensible fiscal decisions.