Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Know Your Slope: SlopeTalk

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Preface to all KYS posts: Until Tuesday (CPI) and Wednesday (FOMC) are out of the way, there’s absolutely no point in mindless speculation about the market. I’ve said all there is to say until the smoke clears. Therefore, this weekend, I am going to share some specifically-chosen videos. It is my view that most Slopers are overlooking the vast majority of content and features on the site, and I am hoping these videos and links will prod some to action. For this particular feature, the relevant link is here.


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In the past, I’ve written that a person’s immediate reaction to a sudden situation is highly indicative of their internal character. This, to me, seems obvious and self-evident. The example I usually give is if a person is confronted with a situation (such as a building bursting into flames) in which they are immediately forced to choose between doing something heroic (some may say foolish) or elect instead to be passive (and thus safe). Heroes, I believe, are largely born, not made.

Perhaps you saw a video that just came out of a couple visiting Mexico who were terrified that they had been hunted down by a murderous cartel. I feel bad that these two men went through this ordeal, although I confess to smirking a bit at their pearl-clutching reactions (just watch the video). All the same, I’m glad they’re all right. I share this video simply because it’s one of those instances in which raw feelings are exposed because one doesn’t have the opportunity to think of a reaction and then act it out.


Know Your Slope: Chart Modes

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Preface to all KYS posts: Until Tuesday (CPI) and Wednesday (FOMC) are out of the way, there’s absolutely no point in mindless speculation about the market. I’ve said all there is to say until the smoke clears. Therefore, this weekend, I am going to share some specifically-chosen videos. It is my view that most Slopers are overlooking the vast majority of content and features on the site, and I am hoping these videos and links will prod some to action. For this particular feature, the relevant link is here.

Know Your Slope: Options Features

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Preface to all KYS posts: Until Tuesday (CPI) and Wednesday (FOMC) are out of the way, there’s absolutely no point in mindless speculation about the market. I’ve said all there is to say until the smoke clears. Therefore, this weekend, I am going to share some specifically-chosen videos. It is my view that most Slopers are overlooking the vast majority of content and features on the site, and I am hoping these videos and links will prod some to action. For this particular feature, the relevant link is here.