Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Spread is Novel

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This chart is remarkable. I confess, I’m going whole-hog on the new MetaSymbols feature. This chart is a real eye-opener. Using the Layered Charts feature, I put the QQQ on top of the $$$NASDAQSMALL (which is the QQQ except for the mega-caps). These two were virtually indistinguishable for years. That all changed on October 13th, 2022, which was eight horrendously long months ago. Since then, a virtual chasm has developed between these two, since virtually all the gains are being created by just a tiny handful of multi-trillion dollar firms.

MetaSymbols Portfolio

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I am continuing to experiment with our exciting new MetaSymbols feature in SlopeCharts. One idea I had was – – what would it be like to construct a chart of the fourteen symbols which constitute my portfolio of puts. Well, it only took a minute to create, but here is the world premiere of this chart: looks pretty bearish, right? Just to be clear, this is an equally-weight amalgamation of all fourteen ticker symbols which have been used to create an entirely artificial instrument representing my entire portfolio.


Surrender, Dorothy

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Last Friday and this Monday, the garbage symbol WE from the garbage fraud WeWork went exploding higher by about 50%. WeWork, of course, famous plunged in value from $47 billion to a few hundred million dollars. Its true worth, in my estimation, is $0.00. What’s annoying to me is that, every month or two, some numb-nut group out there gooses the stock since it’s “cheap” and pushes it massively higher (percentage-wise, at least) only to see it roll over and do the ONLY thing WeWork has succeeded at doing, which is Go To New Lifetime Lows. You can see this charted below, next to the hideous beast.
