He’s Thread, Jim……

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Over the past week, there was a lot of hoo-ha about the “Twitter Killer” that Mark Zuckerberg developer (errr, actually, that all the fired Twitter engineers he scooped up developed, who are probably going to be collectively sued). Anyhoo, there’s also been tremendous chatter about the tens of millions of downloads Threads has received.

I strongly suspect that most of those downloads are from people like me, who simply:

  1. Are a little curious;
  2. Want to secure a decent screen name;
  3. Will decide in a minute or two that there’s absolutely no point in bothering.

In other words, I’ve got about 25,000 followers on Twitter. Why – – why on Earth?? – – would I ever consider changing? I downloaded it, sent out one “thread”, and never went back.

Of course, since they basically were able to dump all their Instagram account data directly into Threads, it made it an inevitable success story. However, in a year from now, I don’t think anyone’s going to be talking about Threads.