Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Hit Piece

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Early in 1993, next door to Prophet’s first office in downtown Palo Alto, there was a computer store. It was kind of a shady place. The guy who owned it wasn’t very honest, and it was clear that he was pretty fast-and-loose with what he sold, how he treated his customers, and how he ran he business. He was basically kind of a scumbag, from what I could gather. He just gave off that vibe.

One day, I saw a man in front of the computer store picketing it. He had a big sign he was carrying that said something like “This store sold me a broken computer and won’t refund my money” or something like that. I honestly don’t remember the sign, but the thrust of it was that this customer was so unhappy with how he was treated that he was actually picketing the place. I’d never seen anything like that, nor have I since. The guy was basically doing what Yelp does, except it required him to march up and down the sidewalk with a homemade sign.


Day & Swing Trading (by DCB)

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This was going to be too long for a comment so here is a quick post.

I have read dozens of books about trading and have used all the indicators out there. I have also listened
to many people here and have tried many traders styles. Some I have incorporated into my own system that I liked. I heard both Sniper and AWC both say the same thing, all that matters is support and resistance so that burned in to my head.

For day trades I noticed something I hadn’t paid close attention to. First always remember the trend dictates whether you should be long or short and you must, MUST lose any bias you have for the current market and economic conditions or general news. Last year was to look for shorts, but this year it is looking for longs. That could change next week and you MUST change with them.
