Precious Victory

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Well thank God for gold. My self-confidence as a trader had reached unprecedented depths, but in spite of that, I put my best idea forward into GDX puts. In just two days, I’m up 42% on them (and, keep in mind, I do NOT do aggressive positions). Gold’s breakdown is far from over, I think.

The GDX chart was picture perfect. If this hadn’t worked out, I was ready to hang it all up. With all the distortion and warping that disgusting pig Janet Yellen and her co-conspirator Jerome Fucking Powell have caused ,it’s difficult to have faith in ANY idea working anymore. Mercifully, it worked out. Oh, and I hope Janet Yellen dies a slow death. Just sayin’.

Incidentally, I neglected to mention I also bought XLE (energy) puts which are doing OK too, up 19%.

It’s enough to make me celebrate with my parents in a whirling dervish.