Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

A Screed About the Market & the Policy Behind it

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SPECIAL CYBER-MONDAY NOTICE: I rarely discount my subscriptions, and when I do, it is usually very modest. Not today. I’m eager for more subscribers, so I’m offering my Annual Bronze package for a Tim-has-gone-crazy 80% off. It’s $39.95 for the entire freakin’ year, so grab it now since it is only good today. You can see a list of all the goodies you get on this page.

An excerpt from this week’s edition of Notes From the Rabbit Hole, NFTRH 785 on the state of the US stock market bubble as developed and sustained by another bubble (in policy-making).

NFTRH 785 started off with a lot of opinions (based on facts and indicators) before settling in to a more normal report covering key markets as usual. Meanwhile, the opening segment is more an unvarnished screed than actual market analysis, which is NFTRH’s normal mode and which we do reliably each week.

A reminder that on average, the seasonal pattern for SPX rises into year end, pulls back, ticks a new high early in the year, pulls back and then rallies into the ‘sell in May/June’ time frame. If only a seasonal average were a predictor. But it isn’t. It’s a historical average, a long-term bias, subject to failure in any given year.


In the Purple Camp

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SPECIAL CYBER-MONDAY NOTICE: I rarely discount my subscriptions, and when I do, it is usually very modest. Not today. I’m eager for more subscribers, so I’m offering my Annual Bronze package for a Tim-has-gone-crazy 80% off. It’s $39.95 for the entire freakin’ year, so grab it now since it is only good today. You can see a list of all the goodies you get on this page.

People are getting less happy by the year, but the poor middle-aged bastards are definitely the most miserable of them all. W00t!