Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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More on Twenty-Four (by David G.)

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Our gracious host recently weighed in on the 2024 presidential election. Tim opined that Donald Trump will win, primarily because “people are sick of the weirdness.” For Tim, who professes to be a libertarian, “weirdness” seemingly takes in highly successful, intelligent people who are just doing their own thing, such as Rachel Levine. (Editor’s Note: I think it’s because I was born as a grumpy old man.)

Last I checked, libertarians believe people should be free to do as they please unless it harms another person. As a libertarian, I should think Tim would be embracing that sort of “weirdness.”

But I digress. I have not come to discuss political ideology or where people stand on various controversial social and cultural issues. This article is about the important stuff: Who is going to win the 2024 presidential election, and why. The most likely winner is the incumbent, Joe Biden, and I’ll explain below why that’s true.
