Modem Over Manhattan

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Greetings from the East Village of Manhattan. Here was the view from my hotel window last night:

I flew out here Sunday night and will be heading back Thursday night, so the typical rat-a-tat of post won’t be as rat-a-tat-y as normal. It’s actually a little nostalgic for me, as most things are, since in my teenaged years I’d log on with my trusty 300/1200 baud modem to a BBS named Modem Over Manhattan. For a kid in suburban California, it seemed so amazing to be interacting with a computer somewhere in a skyscraper (so I imagined). Those were the days!

As for the present, the /RTY is behaving itself reasonably, although as I’m typing this (very, very early – – I woke up about 1:30 a.m. Palo Alto time!) everything is green, as required by federal law. Still, there’s hope, just like the website title says.

The Dow, seen here by way of the /YM futures, did its silly little “Hey, ma, look, I’m over 40,000!” thing last week, but that seems to have been a passing fad.

It’s actually a happy accident that I’m here in NYC at this particular time, since two big events are coming up: first, the Trump verdict (probably) and second, Manhattanhenge, shown below. See ya later!