Palo Alto is Cheap!

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Having just returned from Manhattan, I decided, just for the hell of it, to check out one of the super-fancy pieces of residential real estate there. No doubt about it, it’s quite a view…….

And that goes for the gawkers on the street as well!

It comes with a price, though. About one-fifth of a billion bucks. At that level, it’s comic to see the kinds of associated costs there are. A monthly mortgage of $1.3 million (again, per MONTH!) To say nothing of the $27,000 monthly homeowner’s fee.

It ain’t moving, though. Indeed, it looks like they put it on the market for a quarter BILLION a year prior, and then they chose $195 million (sort of how like cans of food in a grocery are $1.99 instead of $2.00).

Wouldn’t it be something if a terrorist attacked one of these billionaire skyscrapers one day?