Maximum Tim

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Like most humans, I like big, round numbers. I’ve had my Twitter account for years, and the Follower count blasted higher by the thousands without me even noticing. Then, for whatever reason, as it got close to 25,000………… slowed down. And I do mean SLOW. I have begged people repeatedly, both here and on tastylive, to sign up, and I’ll maybe ONE new follower a day, if that. It’s like the universe doesn’t want me to cross the magical 25,000 mark, even though I am literally 99.96% of the way there. Never mind……….I’m there!!

I believe in mathematics there’s this notion of the asymptotic curve, which definitely seems to be applying here!

All of which compels me to say…………if you aren’t following me yet, please do so! As an added incentive, I’m going to mail a signed copy of one of my books to whoever the 25,000th person is!