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These three health and technology stocks are on the move and pointing higher.

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD), one of our swing trade picks from two weeks ago when it was at $33.60, jumped 81 cents to $37.52 on 67 million shares Wednesday.  On Tuesday, the chip maker announced Tencent will use its latest server processors. The stock has been in a steep rising channel since its recent low below $28 in early October.  Next target is the rising channel top near $40.

Amarin Corporation plc (AMRN) followed through on Wednesday, up 55 cents to $21.49 after popping 23% on Tuesday.  An FDA advisory committee is scheduled to meet Thursday (today) to help decide the fate of the company’s fish-derived cardiovascular drug.  While trading has been halted in advance of the meeting, the chart points to a test of the July high in the $23.50-$24 zone next.

CRISPR Therapeutics AG (CRSP) rose $1.42 to $55 on 1 million shares Wednesday.  The move, on no news, continued the gene editing’s stock’s month-long rally from the mid-$36 level.  It also followed through on Tuesday’s breakout of a mini-wedge.  Watch for a move to $58 next.

See Harry’s video chart analysis on these and all 20 of our top charts.

Harry Boxer is founder of, a live trading room featuring his stock picks, technical market analysis, and live chart presentations.