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For the last day of one of the most insane quarters in financial history, there sure is nothing going on. I was expecting some kind of insane screen of quotes when I woke up, but instead equity futures are basically up 0.25%, and it’s dullsville. (UPDATE: Ummm, I didn’t remember there was a very important economic report coming out, so only moments after I posted this “there’s nothing going on” message, all holy hell broke loose.) One small exception is crude oil, which is showing some signs of bearish life:

This has been following a remarkably steady path low, heading toward my target of $70 for months.

After this post first came out, so did the PCE. Here is its chart, showing how the number came in a little hotter than expected:

I’m also pleased that Slopers celebrated the educational video last night by reminding me of some other helpful Japanese tutorials out there, which I remember from a decade ago. They teach us some vital phrases as………..

And, here on Slope, the two most important of all: