Small Caps Mega-Success

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Good God, when thing are going this well, it terrifies me. Every single idea I have offered up has absolutely produced a waterfall of profits for those who bothered to go along. Among them was the small caps, IWM, which are behaving BEAUTIFULLY vis a vis their Fibonacci. Wow!

Remember how I said I was assured of a bear market since I remained “deliciously unpopular“? It still holds true. In spite of me dropping to my knees and begging for subscriptions, it has hardly produced a BLIP among the cheap sumbitches that drift through Slope. Perversely, this gives me encouragement, because people do not BELIEVE in a sustained bear market, so they don’t like me and what I’ve got to say. Want to know when people FLOODED to me and subscribed like crazy? March 2020!!!!!