I’ll Believe It When I See It!

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This seems too good to be true………

As you well know, that scumbag Yellen rolled out her criminal program for her banking friends last March, which basically saved the stock market and has retched the thing higher to lifetime levels. I figured the old biddy would keep extending the thing forever, and I won’t believe the above press release until it’s actually done. For instance, is that disgusting wretch going to create some new “Emergency” so she can “extend” her program another year? I wouldn’t put it past that disgusting pile of shit to do so.

Oh, and by the way, banks have been making free money off the Fed with the easiest arbitrage ever. It only took these guys FOUR MONTHS to figure it out, but they’ve finally stopped the leak. Typical government employees: empty-headed and venal.

I’ll leave you with the horrible visage of one of the most evil humans ever born: