Cathie Has Undone Herself

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Let’s cut straight to the chase. Cathie “it’s not a bubble” Wood has upped her insane $1 million Bitcoin target price to the batshit-insane level of $2.3 million.

What’s her reason for this? Is it just some crazy-ass number to get attention for a hopeless narcissist? Nope. She says if 20% of all investable assets are allocated to Bitcoin, that’s what the price will do.

Want to know the math behind it? It doesn’t take much. A 1st grader could handle this.

Take 19.4% of 250 trillion. Divide that by the 21 million Bitcoins that will ultimately be mined. Voila, you’ve got a little under $2.3 million. It’s fucking IDIOTIC beyond all measure.

I cannot believe people listen to this unhinged goofball. This has gone beyond parody.