Retracement Levels Offer for Slopers

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The creator and owner of Retracement Levels, “2sweeties“, has been on Slope of Hope for many, many years. He was a very frequent participant in the comments section in 2006 and 2007, but as the financial crisis heated up, and more and more people kept asking him questions about his product, he focused on building his product instead of hanging out on Slope with the rest of us.

I finally met 2sweeties in December, and we spent three solid days together talking about his product and brainstorming about ideas. One outcome from the meeting was that he agreed to post, free of charge, a series of early-morning analytics on the ES on Slope during January. The goal was to give everyone a taste of the product.

The post from yesterday was particularly helpful for me, because as the markets kept pushing higher, I wanted to know when I could push the Execute button on the thirty positions I wanted to enter. As I mentioned later on Thursday, once we were extremely close to the first high-probability opportunity for the ES to turn lower, I got into my positions, and so far it’s worked out pretty well.


Now, the way I used this information was kind of a “secondary” way of applying it, since its more direct use is in trading the ES. I haven’t traded the ES since early 2009, and although I might return to that in the future, I tend to use Retracement Levels as more of a guide as to possible market turning points, based on its unique historical statistical/probability database.

The free postings are going to end now (although 2sweeties has promised to do one from time to time), and I asked if maybe Slopers could have a half-off special or something. Well, he did a little better than that – – he’s offering $1200 off the $1250 monthly price for access to his service. (I hope I have this right, since I’ll expect an outraged email from him if I’ve totally misinterpreted the offer….) But that’s 96% off which, I dunno, seems like a pretty good deal. And if you are wondering why on earth the regular price is so high, it’s because this was really designed as an institutional-level offering.

To take advantage of the offer, click here and enter the easy-to-remember coupon code 5E3D06A429  at the bottom of the form. Thanks, 2sweeties, for making this offer to Slopers.