Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Hedged Returns Approach

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Happy New Year, fellow Slopers,

I’ve haven’t posted here as frequently as I would have liked recently, as I’ve been tied up putting the finishing touches on a soon-to-be-released Portfolio Armor website feature called Hedged Returns. Hedged Returns isn’t live just yet, but I thought I’d tell about it in this post, and, in my next post, give you some background details on the mechanics of it. (more…)

In with the New

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Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a good holiday.

I was looking for signs of a short term high last week and I’m now seeing some. There is very marked negative divergence on the SPX 60min RSI and I have the current highs at a possible rising wedge resistance trendline from the October low at 1646. The obvious target for any retracement from here would be rising support from that low, now in the 1790 area and rising at about ten points per week. We may see a retest of the current highs today, and I’m still looking for for a larger topping pattern here than the obvious short term double top targeting the 1835 area on a break below 1842 today. SPX 60min chart: (more…)

Year-End Goofiness Reversed

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Greetings from Manhattan, where we are bracing ourselves for winter storm Hercules. I’ve never lived in a snowy climate, but I think it’s pretty silly that they name these storms now. When I was growing up in Louisiana, the only “named” weather events that existed were Hurricanes. Back then, they all had female names, and I was told by persons in authority (and I’m not making this up) that this was because hurricanes, like women, couldn’t make up their minds. In the feminist 70s, however, such a notion couldn’t persist, and starting in 1979, hurricane naming conventions allowed both male and female monikers. (more…)