Keep Your Enemies Closer

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I’ve been AWOL the past 36 hours, trying to turn my tanker ship of a portfolio around. I’ll probably be AWOL to some degree the rest of the day.

As anyone acquainted with federal statutes knows, if an American male is flipping through the channels, and The Godfather is on, he is required to watch it, no matter how many times he’s seen it already, and no matter what part of the movie he’s missed. It’s the law.

One of the best lines from the movie states that you should keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. I am adopting that attitude with stocks. The securities below I consider my “enemies”. They are junky issues; I don’t think they have a good future; and I think they are in for a silly bounce. So I bought them.

I’m going to keep a much closer eye on these than I normally would, since I own them, and I consider the fact that I own them to be the perfect tonic for my bad attitude toward them. When I think their profits have peaked, I can take comfort in those profits, and I can use that opportunity as a time to get aggressively short again. Until then, benefiting from the profits will make the rise much more bearable. Here are the symbols and their stops:

AEO 12.77

BAX 40.33

BC 15.88

BONT 9.63

BPOP 2.60

CSIQ 8.98

CSR 4.30

CYMI 29.23

EEFT 12.56

FAST 49.61

GAP 3.91

HLX 10.30

LCC 8.81

PMI 3.92

RIG 44.50

TGI 63.19

TIE 18.39

UIS 19.74

WDR 24.18

WG 8.14