Stocks That Are Prime For Shorting (By Ryan Mallory)

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The stocks below are mainly those stocks that have been on a solid
uptrend of late, but are starting to show signs of breaking down along
with a loss of interest by the street as a whole. So if you are looking
to short this market, which definitely takes some guts (but the
potential for reward is probably greater than it ever has been), then
this is a good cheat sheet for you to start with while compiling your
own personal short watch-list. Interestingly enough, the list of stocks
grew exponentially from a few weeks ago, from 7 stocks to 28 stocks – 4
times the amount using the same parameters as before.

Every sector has a healthy representation for the most part, but
there seems to be a tad bit more emphasis on the real-estate driven
industries as a whole.

Now realize this, not every stock on this list, will you agree with
me or my screening software that it is a good short position to
undertake. However, what I am doing for you is providing you with a list
of stocks based on a number of my own preferred variables that reduces
the list of candidates to short from a few thousand down to just a
handful – in this case, 28 stocks. But I am pretty confident that you
can find a few stocks worth shorting in the list below.