Friday Wrap-Up

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I am so sorry to have been so preoccupied today. There's been very little in the way of content from me on Slope today, in spite of me having a record number of positions (252!) and quite a lot of interesting activity in the market.

In spite of the title of this post, this will be anything but a "wrap-up"; in fact, I have to go (again!) to do something else, so I'll have to leave my uber-summation for this weekend.

I will say, however, that the thing about me as a trader which has improved quite a bit lately has been my ability to let winners run. For years and years, I made the classic blunder of taking profits too quickly. This is the undoing of most traders, and I've been fighting for two decades to get out of this habit.

In my IRA (which, sorry to obsess about it, but it's by far my stand-out performer these days; today was another record high) is a good example. Here are the top five percentage gainers in this account. I will point out that every one of these positions is less than a month old!

I don't think I've ever had anything approaching a 179% gain in my life, let alone in just a few weeks. The cool part is that there is a ton of upside left in most of these, from what I can tell. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Now these gorgeous charts are the exception, not the rule. Most of the other positions are sort of grandiose dead-cat bounces. But I see no technical reason why this portfolio can't keep charging forward.

At the other extreme of the spectrum is my personal portfolio, which is 100% pure, unadulterated puts. This one, cough cough, did not reach a new high today (averting eyes). The charts, however, are still really solid, and if we get a dip in the market, these puts are going to thrive.

I have to go now, but I'll do a post this weekend. Thanks for your patience!