Home Is Where the Thirty Inch Monitor Is

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I am back in my beloved Palo Alto with my multiple computers and big monitors. I felt like I was trading with a big handicap this week without all my goodies.

I have three big tasks to tackle this weekend with respect to trading:

  1. Label – go through all my charts and use the labeling function in ProphetCharts to "tag" each one of them with appropriate categories;
  2. Update Stops – go through every position I've got and, where necessary, update the stop price;
  3. Organize Lists – set aside appropriate stocks into the Candidate Longs and Candidate Shorts categories

The above is going to take a long time, but it's always worth it during the heat of the battle of the trading week.

As for market commentary, I'll do a post this weekend. I can tell you in advance that most everyone is basically saying Gee The Market Sure Has Fallen And Maybe It'll Fall More But Maybe We'll Rally Big First. It's very hard to get any concrete opinion these days. I know that the week that just ended was "supposed" to be up big for all kinds of reasons, like the fact it was OPEX or the fact that we were Already So Low, and so forth.

Anyway, it was a very profitable week overall (although I had to get my broadsword out on Friday to protect my profits) and I'm looking forward to next week……….armed with my ginormous thirty inch monitor showing me the /ES tick by tick.