Reliving the Horror of PAIX

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It’s probably imprudent on my part to be so candid, but I’m known for being earnest, so I’ll just plunge right ahead.

As most of you know, we had some severe downtime today. At about 10:50 a.m. PST, our server load went from a normal 2% up to 80%, which basically brings everything to its knees. Our database load was 486% (no, I don’t know how that’s possible either, but it’s bad). Ironically, this all took place on one of the best “down” days we’ve had in months!


One-Fifth of a Book Review

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No, this isn’t another post about my new novel (although your clicking this link will cost you nothing and will help me get noticed by the Amazon algo code). It’s about a different tome. A number of weeks ago, I saw there was a new book coming out, written by a Marxist, which was a take-down of the entire capitalist system. It focused on what the author considered the absolute epicenter of all evil, and he named the book after this place: Palo Alto. Naturally, I could not resist pre-ordering the book, and it arrived on my doorstep in Durham while I was there. I have been devouring the book ever since, but I’m only about one-fifth of the way through it, since it’s a monster. I am up to the year 1920 at this point (merely 20% of the way into the book!) and, although I’ve found a couple of trifling errors in the book (such as the suggestion that Crescent Park, ,my neighborhood, was basically the ghetto of the town, even though it was only a few specific streets, including my own), it is in general a marvelous read. I’m sure I’ll do a review of it once I’m totally done, but if, like me, you know you want to read it, you can click here if you’re interested in getting this mesmerizing book.

Range-Bound or Run Away?

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First off, as a reminder (and I’ll only do it a few dozen more times, promise) please click the bejesus out of my Solid State book link. I’m told it’ll help. Go ahead and click it, please! I’ll wait. Thank you!

As for the market in general, obviously everyone is going to sit on their hands until 8:30:00 on Tuesday morning. Looking at the big indexes, it’s interesting how all the NASDAQ Composite did today was push itself precisely back to that horizontal line (which is now acting as resistance, albeit modestly).
