Thrust THIS

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Let us think back to Slope’s darkest days. That would be, oh, about 48 hours ago. Those were grim times. The bulls seemed to own the market again. Bears had been beaten across the face fairly consistently since October 13, 2022, a day I shall remember until my last breath. Sentiment on Slope was turning fiercely anti-bearish and, God forbid, even anti-Tim. And, as always, people came out from the woodwork claiming that, being better than the rest of us, they were never bearish nor bullish, Nay, nay. They simply made money, no matter what. Every single time. Thus pitying us poor saps who actually had an opinion. And, as a topper, they trotted out some retired money manager in his 70s who had created some weird-ass arithmetic hack called the Whaley Breadth Thrust which was supposed to be God’s gift to investors and was correct 100% of the time, even though it sounded like it was taken straight from the Kama Sutra. Thus, they claimed, a New Bull Market was here, and bears were about to get destroyed, as they most deservedly should be.



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As you’re surely aware by now, the most widely-followed earnings report after the close on Wednesday was Facebook (umm, Meta), and they’re getting destroyed after hours. I first gained awareness of “The Facebook” years before most people, since their first real office was literally one block from my own in Palo Alto. Many times I would see Zuck walking around the streets, talking to employees one-on-one or, occasionally, jogging. I even remember their chalkboard sign propped up on the sidewalk encouraging applicants to come in to get a job at Little did any of us know that it would (briefly) be a trillion dollar company. Here are some thoughts I have on the matter………..

Seven Years: Gone

The stock has already had a wretched year before today, but they’re getting torched by another 20% after hours (and what idiot jumped in immediately after the close and paid $142 for this thing, hoping to get in cheaply?)
