The Cheapest Cut

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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the best market in the world for Beyond Meat are the Whole Foods Markets here in the Palo Alto, and although I go into those stores literally one hundred times a year, I’ve yet to see ANYONE buy a Beyond Meat product even ONCE. This reality has been reflected in its stock, which is at a price lower than any other time in the history of the universe.


The Electric Slide

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Hoo boy. The “United” States reveals itself yet again.

It all started this morning when, at 4:45 a.m., the power to my house failed. I know this because I had been awake a while, having never really synched back to west coast time after my Bear Force One trip to North Carolina. Since I shell out over $1,000/month on utilities, and Palo Alto has been losing its power a lot lately, I sent out this bitchy tweet:


Why Should I Carolina?

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When I leave North Carolina on Tuesday evening (Bear Force One believers – take note! – although frankly I’m not sure what the impact of the market is supposed to be), I will have been away from my beloved Palo Alto for nearly two weeks. For a homebody like me, this is a epic-long time to be away. Having enjoyed my stay here, I had a few observations about the culture at large, particularly drawn from sixteen hours of driving from Durham to Myrtle Beach to Atlanta and then back to Durham again (a car trip big enough that you could hand me a globe and I could visibly draw it out with a Sharpie). In no particular order:

  • Guilty! – There is a tremendous amount of mindshare dedicated to the fact you are a SINNER and you need to be SAVED by JESUS. Giant billboards (often with red letters against a yellow background) insist upon your relying on Jesus to save your sinful ass from eternal damnation. One billboard in particular shows what appears to be a highway exit ramp, with one direction leading to hell and the other leading to glory. I seriously have no idea what these people have to feel so guilty about. I didn’t see anyone doing anything bad, except for the occasional obnoxious driver on the freeway (who was, 100% of the time, driving a Dodge Charger).

An Unwelcome Saucer

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My sleep schedule is pretty screwy during this trip, so I woke up at about 1 a.m. Palo Alto time (4 a.m. North Carolina time) and saw something I didn’t want to see. Yesterday, upon observing the /ES and /NQ futures, there were two specific levels that, if crossed, would constitute a completed saucer pattern, and wouldn’t you know it, those levels were heeded with near-perfect reverence for the importance of those patterns:

/ES futures