The Holdout

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Greetings from North Carolina again! My presence here is obviously holding back any attempt at a counter-trend rally. Things are going so swimmingly, maybe I should just stay put. Ya know, for all the Bay Area’s left-wing pretenses, Durham is WAY more truly progressive than Palo Alto is. You see, a person in Palo Alto will put a Black Lives Matter on their lawn, but they’d really prefer that all those nice black people live WAYYYYYYYY over in Oakland, where they’re meant to be, instead of close to the virtue-signaling hypocrite. Whereas in Durham, goodness gracious me, black and white people actually eat together, work together, and play together. So, yeah, Palo Alto and the entire Bay Area is kinda full of shit.

Anyway, that isn’t what this post is about. I simply wanted to point out that crude oil is being the only truly hoofy asset that’s holding up the bear party:


Wee Hour ETF Thoughts

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Hello there from the East Coast. It’s about 3:30 in the morning here, Palo Alto time (to which I’m still anchored), so I thought I’d once again take keyboard in hand and share my brief thoughts on nine important ETF charts, after Monday’s wonderful tumble. I’ve put my comments in the caption section beneath each clickable chart.

DIA: The Dow “diamonds” broke above their resistance trendline last week, but thank God, that’s a moot point now. This was a failed bullish breakout, and just like about everything tradeable entity, there’s a big, beautiful price gap now.

Six Years and $10 Million Later

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Back in 2016, I wrote a post called Ten. Million. Dollars. which is worth a re-read (and will save me telling you the story again). The elevator pitch is that, around the corner from where I live is a cottage (not even 940 square feet) on a half acre lot which was bought for $10,000,000 by, I would assume, a Chinese national who wanted a safe place to keep his money. In the six years that have passed since then, not a single person has spent a single night there. It’s literally just an asset that has no function to anyone.

As I was walking my dogs on one last pre-trip walk at 5:30 this morning, I walked by the property, which I’ve done hundreds of times before, and it occurred to me that it would be interesting to know what the estimated value of the place was. Amazingly, I hadn’t bothered checking even one time for over six years after I wrote the post, so I fired up Zillow and……….
