Inflation in Perspective

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I stumbled upon something sort of interesting, which I thought I’d share on this evening before the massively-important CPI report.

Our dear friends in the federal government (you know, the place where you send almost 40% of all your income in exchange for paying for a bunch of people that hate each other to argue endlessly and get nothing done) put together an awesome website that lets you calculate present-day buying power based on dollars from a prior date. You can see how the best and brightest go to work for the government when you see this amazing user interface they put together, which looks like something a beginning HTML coder would have done in 1996:

This is seriously the entirely page.

Complete Clarity

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I have been, as perhaps some of you, torturing myself over what I could have done differently on June 16th. That was, of course, the market’s bottom so far, and a perfect time to get rid of EVERY short and go ENTIRELY long.

As it stands now, the Fibonacci retracements are totally clear, and I look and think to myself, “What kind of moron would have held on when the Fib was getting hit like that?” And then I wonder to myself, was I even WATCHING these same retracement levels? Maybe I’m being too hard on myself.

Turns out………...nope, I’m not being hard ENOUGH on myself. I had identified these exact levels long before the bottom, and I went and reviewed my posts from June 13-17, right when the market was bottoming, and I knew EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING ON, and I said EXACTLY WHAT I SHOULD DO.

Did I do it? No. Why? Because I’m a goddamn idiot, in spite of being a brilliant chartist. Ugh!


Billy Carter Returns

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Can someone tell me if I’ve taken a time machine back to 1978? Because I lived through 1978, and I’m seeing a lot of familiar things:

  • A deeply unpopular President;
  • Stagflation;
  • Soaring interest rates;
  • A sense of a declining and ever-weakening United States;
  • Urban crime on the rise.

And just in case I didn’t get the memo, on this very morning I was walking my dogs and saw these signs. I daresay the majority of people who see the ERA YES sign will have no idea what it’s about. That’s no surprise, because the Equal Rights Amendment was a hot topic from 1972 through 1977, and it’s been effectively dead ever since. I also want to applaud the Irony Gods for placing the only truck in the city limits of Palo Alto next to these signs.

Palantir Gap Filled

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After so many stocks had lost 90% or more of their value, I figured that their bounce would accomplish pretty much one thing: fill a major gap. The poster child for this was Palantir, formerly based here in Palo Alto, which had plunged from about $45 to about $7 in a matter of months. It has bounced mightily, but it sealed its gap with just three PENNIES to spare. I’d say that’s good enough!
