Suggestion Fulfilled

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We introduced the Slope Tiles page a little earlier this month, and we’ve already given it a bevy of improvements. The latest is one directly from a suggestion that TNRevolution made. It was regarding the comments tile, and Rev said he’d want to be able to enter a search string (which could be a ticker symbol or just regular words) so that, optionally, the comments tile would display only comments that included whatever was typed. Well, voila, we’ve done it! You can optionally enter whatever search string you want via the Edit Tiles dialog box.


Lockdown Success

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For years, it’s been very difficult to park in Palo Alto’s “second” downtown, which is the area surrounding California Avenue. The restaurants and other retail simply attracted too many people, so it took a while to find a spot.

Well, Palo Alto set out to build a very modern four story parking garage, and at long last, it’s finished. I parked there yesterday to pick up some take-out. I was the only one in the entire complex. The only one. And why? Simple.


Everything’s closed still. I know it may be different in your area, but it’s basically March 2020 all over again here, right down to the line of people waiting to get groceries, stretched around the block.
