My Gender Reassignment

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Let’s say I was really hung up on my personal appearance (observant Slopers will have concluded long ago that I am not, but as with so many things here, this is a thought experiment requiring the suspension of disbelief). I was desperate for the world to think I was attractive. My frail ego and deeply-seated insecurities relied utterly on a positive feedback loop, or my entire psyche would crumble into a heap.

Mercifully, I am provided with an app that notifies me in real time of public approval of my appearance. After primping in front of the mirror for an hour, I draw in a deep breath, open the door, and courageously head out, quietly confident that the good people of Palo Alto will regard me, once again, as one fine-looking sumbitch.


Entering the Eye

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Greetings from the McDonald’s of East Palo Alto, which has replaced the sketchy Sports Page Bar as my hangout for doing posts. I am the only non-day-laborer here. Honest. I plant myself here because it’s right next to the newest SuperCharger station, plus it has good WiFi. And they play nothing but music from the early 1980s. So I’m a happy guy. Oh, and I don’t have the prospect of mowing lawns the rest of the day. Instead, I get to write posts for you good people.

Last week was a maelstrom of activity. I mean, setting aside barn-burners like tweets that caused global financial mayhem, just the scheduled stuff was action-packed:


Barry Fizzle

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I cannot help but express my delight at having real infrastructure again. I spent the entirety of Monday flying back home, and while I am accustomed to Internet connectivity that is similar to a firehose, I have to satisfy my data needs with a tiny plastic straw that had a kink in it. I wound up sleeping through most of the trading day, as there was little to be done.

I did an ETF roundup over the weekend for our gold and diamond members, and in it I highlighted crude oil’s vulnerability to a downturn, based principally on its approach of an important price gap. I was pleased to see that panned out nicely, with crude withering away persistently.
