Just a Shot Away

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Greetings from the tarmac of the John Glenn International (!) Airport, as I await departure from Columbus back to my beloved Palo Alto. Today will be a shortened trading day, which is a little ironic, since my own availability is about to return to normal (although I have already dedicated my copious time to various home and Slope projects that await me).

As I am typing this, it is more than two hours until the opening bell, but it’s green across the screen. The ES continues to march higher above the breakout I’ve tinted below. The psychologically-satisfying level of 3,000 is just within reach on the S&P 500, although judging from the chart, we’re definitely starting to lose momentum. The explosive surge from a month ago has given way to more moderate, incremental lifts.


But What Do I Do?

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This short video is a kick (particularly since it was filmed right in my beloved Palo Alto). It shows a Tesla driving itself totally unaided. I continue to have ZERO interest in this, because I actually like driving, and – – just look at the poor sumbitch sitting in the seat – – he’s STILL sitting there staring ahead, relieved only of placing his hands on the steering wheel. What a bore! Anyway, this is definitely a major game-changing technology:


Decision 2024

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Now that the long-awaited Mueller investigation is done, the predictable camps have formed: one calling for impeachment, and another wanting to just put the entire matter to rest forever. In a few weeks, the latter camp will succeed.

But I think it is more worthwhile to look ahead – – far ahead – – to anticipate what might be next. A combination of history, politics, and financial markets blend together into some intriguing possibilities, and I would like to offer my own theory as to what the next six years may hold.


Not Guilty

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This morning’s paper re-ignited my interest in the only family here in town caught up in the nationwide college admissions scandal. As many of you know, those nabbed in the scandal now fall into two camps: one of which is those, such as Felicity Huffman, who pled guilty, expressed contrition, and are awaiting their (reduced) punishment, and two, those like Lori Loughlin who have dug their 4″ heels in and are refusing to admit that half-million dollar bribes are perhaps not totally legit.

The folks here in Palo Alto are fairly small potatoes: the man is an oncologist (who faces the loss of his livelihood due to this mess) who allegedly paid $25,000 to have his apparently retarded son get an 1190 on the SAT by way of fraud. Here’s how the article begins:
