Five Thousand a Foot

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It’s been a while since I’ve written a Crazy Palo Alto Real Estate post. However, I just saw an ad in our little local paper that compelled me to take keyboard in hand and offer you the latest tidbit from my fair city.

I present to you the following house: it’s a pleasant place, about 3,000 square feet and on a 2/3rds of an acre lot. In many parts of the country, that’s a postage stamp, but in Palo Alto, it’s “park-like.” Take a moment to drink in this property. As I say, pleasant enough, but not exactly spectacular.


Parental Perspective

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You’ve almost certainly been reading about the college cheating scandal, which broke yesterday. This is an intensely personal story for me for a variety of reasons:

  • My eldest child completed the college application process this year;
  • I live in the Silicon Valley, where get-ahead-at-any-cost is the mantra of so many parents;
  • There are local parents who were arrested in the scandal;
  • My values are absolutely anchored in meritocracy

Let me say at the outset how thrilled and delighted I am to see a government agency actually accomplish something. The fact that these rich, out-of-touch, self-entitleddimwits have had their lives instantly ruined thrills my soul. What I would have given to have seen the look on Felicity Huffman’s withered face when they slapped the cuffs on her. Boy, oh boy. To say nothing of her husband, William H. Macy, an actor I used to respect.



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I’m a libertarian at heart, and as such, I believe that, with few exceptions, pretty much the worst entity to handle any task is a government body. Therefore, over a decade ago, when Californians were sold a pipe dream about a high-speed rail (HSR) that would whisk them from San Francisco to Disneyland in just 2.5 hours, I rolled my eyes.

I didn’t keep my eye-rolling private. Five years ago, in this post, I mentioned the HSR project:
