Ten Sixty Eight or Bust

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The local coin dealer in town has been using their “Gold Is On Sale!” ad in the Palo Alto Daily News for months now. Back when gold was approaching $2,000, the tone of their ads was quite different. These days………and they are very careful with their words….their ads speaks about how gold MIGHT be just pausing in a huge uptrend, and PERHAPS it would be a good time to buy gold. I think there’s still plenty more room to fall, but when it gets to $1068, I plan to pounce. (more…)

Unreal Estate: Secondary Silicon Slosh

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As most of you know, I don’t tend to be the buy-and-hold sort. Would that I were, surely I’d have many more millions than I do now. But – ah well – cursed by a depressive personality, I suppose. But as I’ve said before, there have been two rather involuntary buy-and-holds, and both have done amazingly well. One is a business investment, which will probably pan out wonderfully, and the other is my house. It is this second one that is getting an unusually large amount of attention, given the insane environment in which I live. (more…)