The Apple/Market Connection

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Friend-of-Slope and good buddy of mine Serge has been on a tear lately. He shorted a ton of silver and gold and almost the exact top (covering yesterday morning, and then going long!), and he's the only other blogger I know who irks me because his eye is so good.

Yesterday he emailed me a fascinating chart of how AAPL is, historically, the last stock to puke before a full-blown market collapse. AAPL is still, incredibly, over $400 per share, and it is universally regarded as the stock that will never go down (hell, even *I* dont' touch it).

But the simple fact is that when – – not if, but when – – AAPL finally starts falling, it is going to wrap its gigantic hands around the stock market and pull it into the icy depths of the Pacific Ocean with it.
