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With all the crooks, nitwits, and morons running around ruining the country these days (just bring to mind the senior management of any bank), it's heartening to read about Captain Sullenberger, who safely landed the crippled US Airways jet on the Hudson.

After his plane was hit in both engines (by geese, it's said), he had the presence of mind to glide the plane out of the heavily-populated Bronx and landed it perfectly on the Hudson River. Not a single of the 155 people perished. Here's more:

Sullenberger's mailbox at the firm was full on Thursday. A group of fans sprang up on Facebook within hours of the emergency landing.

"OMG, I am terrified of flying but I would be happy to be a passenger on one of your aircraft!!" Melanie Wills in Bristol wrote on the wall of "Fans of Sully Sullenberger." "You have saved a lot of peoples lives and are a true hero!!"

The pilot "did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river and then making sure that everybody got out," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. "He walked the plane twice after everybody else was off, and tried to verify that there was nobody else on board, and he assures us there was not."

"He was the last one up the aisle and he made sure that there was nobody behind him."

I can only imagine if someone with the morality of a bank CEO was piloting the plane, he would have taken all the wallets of the passengers, grabbed his parachute, and jumped out. Thank God there are people like Captain Sullenberger around. It's nice to have someone to admire these days.