Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Ink Black with Chop

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I am lucky to have been tied up in meetings all day! How on earth would anyone trade the market on a day like today?

The arrow on the left shows the nice, clean descent I adore. The circled area shows the absolutely insane spasms that dragged on through the whole day. Who needs it?

As for charts, I'm going to stick with plain ol' images for now, since we're still monkeying around with charts on the blog. Hopefully I'll be able to do a good solid "real" post this evening.


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I have a nice problem for the group's input……….if you had a lot of extra cash and wanted to do something safe with it, what would you do? Let's set aside the idea of Treasury Bills and Gold……….I'm interested in something a little more inventive (and this isn't money I plan to trade or invest; this is "safety" cash, locked in a safe or a bank account).

I was toying with the idea of getting Eurodollars and US Dollars and tucking them away. If you were going to get Eurodollars, what's the most efficient way to get them? (American Express Travel Services is not a good answer!) Any other ideas?

Annoying Security Questions

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OK, fine, since I can't post charts, I'll put on my Andy Rooney mask and bellyache.

Let's start with this image:

Perhaps you recognize these. They are the kinds of security questions you encounter when signing up for accounts these days (like a bank account, a brokerage, or anything else sensitive to privacy).

Now, I understand the need for security. But I tend to be a precise thinker, and questions like these really get my goat (and regular readers know my goats are easily had, and I have an entire herd of them). I mean, let's consider some of these questions:

  • What is the name of the first album you bought?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • What is your favorite flower?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • What is your favorite drink?

Are they KIDDING me? Is anyone really so one-dimensional that they have one and only one favorite food? ("I like Big Macs"). Or a single favorite flower? I mean, I like Asian lillies, white roses, calla lilies, orchids, fressias………and favorite animal? There are thousands of animals on this planet. Surely you've got a few favorites.

And this just isn't idle ranting. Because you have to have answers for these questions if you want an account. And you can't just pick the one answer whose answer will be discrete (like your mother's maiden name); you have to pick three, which pushes you into ambiguous-land. So, months later, when confronted with security questions, you'll have to ask yourself, "Way back last Winter, which of the twelve different beverages that I really enjoy would have been my clear favorite when I signed up?"

Just one of life's frustrations that might not have occurred to you had I not pointed it out. You're welcome.

ES Getting Smacked and Tim Wracked with Guilt

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Greetings, Slopers.

We're aware that on the blog there are chart issues (just the blog; nowhere else). Sorry about this. It's hard for me to talk about charts without charts! I am pleased, however, with my new /ES short (entered at 870.25, stop loss above 880). It seems to have puncture 860 as of this writing; one wonders if it'll really tumble, since this has been such strong support of late.

I am wracked with guilt about my posts lately, because I know how brief they are. At least you have each other!