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Barron’s Blow’s Pick’s

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As if last week's Roundtable wasn't enough, this week's Barron's piles on some more wisdom and fine picks. At least the headline they choose to summarize the performance of all their stock choices last year:

I know this phone picture is hard to read, but it says their average long recommendation went down 29.4%, versus a drop of 25.9% for corresponding benchmarks. In other words, you have one of the top financial publications on the planet, with access to the sharpest minds in the business, and they lose even more money than the hum-drum benchmarks they follow. Pathetic.

If you don't have faith in Barron's picks in general, perhaps you could rely on Abby "just had my hair straightened" Cohen.

It's a very fuzzy picture (I, umm, didn't have a scanner with me at the time) but, there at the top of her equity pick list, is Bank of America. Yes, Bank of America. Which, in the two short weeks since her interview, has already lost 50% of its value. In addition, of the six picks she offers, five of them are already down this year. Way to go, Abby!

I'm not the only one noticing Barron's track record – – check out the awesome video here.