Watch 857

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What a chatty bunch you are! Well over 200 comments from yesterday night's post…………

Anyway, the numbers C and GE produced certainly aren't going to produce a 200-point opening gap or anything like that. Things seem pretty tame. FAZ is even up! As are SRS and SKF. But today is going to be wild, and it will be good to have this week behind us once the day is done.

I think 857 is a really important level to watch on the /ES today. The small inverted head and shoulders pattern spanning the 13th through the 16th is already looking pretty sloppy, having had its neckline violated last night, and a clear descent beneath 857 would finish off the job. A break below the tightening wedge below is pretty much the bear's best hope for things turning around. A break above 880 would be uber-bullish.