Psyched Out?

By -

Well, I'm in a difficult spot. I'm looking at the biggest dollar gain in my portfolio in at least two months. I have 200 positions – – almost all of them bearish, and almost all of them profitable today. My daily percentage gain as of this moment is 3.57%

Having suffered through the last 9 weeks of government-induced insanity and fraud, I'm almost inclined to hit a Close Everything button (if they were such a thing), but the rational part of me realizes that many of these positions have just started their fall.

The right thing to do, as always, is simply tighten up stops. I've got to say, though, this is an incredibly uncomfortable place to be, because in the span of three days I've recaptured virtually all the lost ground of the past two months, and it's tempting to lock it in. Decisions, decisions………