Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Consider This

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I have a simple question for you, and I'd like you to consider it seriously.

One year before the below companies disappeared from the face of the Earth, what percentage of the population would have supposed they would be gone?

+ Arthur Anderson

+ Enron

+ Washington Mutual

+ Worldcom

+ Refco

+ Lehman Brothers

+ Bear Stearns

+ Bernie Madoff Co.

+ Drexel Burnham Lambert

The answer? Zero. Nobody. You would have been thought naive and crazy to think any of these companies had anything but a bright, prosperous future.

And the same goes for the ostensibly invincible Goldman Sachs. People here on Slope who fancy themselves worldly think what's going on with Goldman is going to quietly disappear, and Lloyd will just cruise along, ripping off all the rest of us honest folks. Don't be so sure.

It is my belief that, within three years, the company will be nothing more than a memory, and its downfall will be the stuff of popular books. Maybe Michael Lewis already has the fodder for his new bestseller being created for him right now.

Sounds insane, doesn't it? We'll see.


R.I.P. My Beloved Death Sai (by Nathaniel Goodwin)

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Last night, the Colonel was telling me about the ancient "honor code" of the Samurai. He said that piss-poor warriors would be ordered to commit seppuku by their leaders or gods such as Zeus and Thor when their performance on the battlefield was less than stellar. 

Zeus or Thor would command them to die in an awesome way like having them pull out all of their teeth with dirty pliers, then wait for death by starvation as they think about what a pussy they were on the battlefield.

Screw that and those ancient gods; I am a total pussy and a failure most of the time. I'll gladly sneak away as a loser to fight another day, that's why I use stops. If worse comes to worse, I'll go back to my mom's house.

It looks like my red death sai has committed seppuku though…


I find this chart amazing. I thought my red sai of death would punish the bulls, but they have carried on like 2008 and early 2009 didn't even exist. A little more than a year ago we were facing the next depression, now all is back to normal. I have a thick head and guess I should just start buying any dip and forget about that little drop we had in 2008, but instead I shorted that rally we had on Thursday. (Disclaimer… I'm a glutton for punishment as well as a pussy)

So Far

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I've got a bevy of activities this afternoon with my family, so I'm going to walk away from the computer for – gasp – hours. In the meantime, I'll say that this bear survived today quite nicely. Here's what I posted before today's open with respect to my expectations in days to come:


And here's what has transpired thus far (I've drawn a circle at the point where I originally laid out my prediction):


Of course, nowhere is it written that the /ES won't simply smash past that upper red line, flip me the bird, and make Tim unhappy. But – – – so far, so good.