Adios, November

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Well, one of the weirdest sessions in recent memory has brought November to a close.

My best buddy today? TLT. By far my heaviest concentration of shorts is in the interest-sensitive instruments such as BAB and LQD (the latter of which I amped up today). I day-traded TLT with excellent results.

My worst enemy? Oh, that's easy – FXE. My profit for the day would have been 50% higher were it not for my hedge (ha!) of being long FXE. The Euro seems to be heading for the same toilet paper status as we all assumed the US dollar was not long ago.

The last couple of days were really diluted badly by so-called hedges. I currently am unhedged (and maybe a little unhinged).

I'm going to get some distance from computers 'n' charts for a bit and will do a post later.
