Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Capitulation or Continued Weakness Ahead?

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Most markets closed deep in the red today (Monday)…including Major World Indices, equities, commodities, and non-U.S. currencies.

We’ll see if today’s action represents any kind of major capitulation or whether it’s a renewed sell-off in all markets…we may gain further insights from market reaction following this Wednesday’s FOMC meeting, economic forecasts, and Chair press conference. (more…)

A Lesson in Managing Grinding Moves

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The last time I posted (Nov 29th), I shared the VXV:VIX ratio and suggested that the S&P500 was likely to continue it’s grinding uptrend unless something changed.  I also shared HYG as a potential short which I unfortunately missed, but turned out much better than I expected.

As it turns out, the grinding call was the right course of action as the daily 20MA held the following Monday and ground its way back up to the highs again.  This past week, price appeared to be doing the same until Tuesday, December 9th which broke the 20MA and delivered a lower low on the hourly charts.  Despite the very bullish looking candle, the depth of the decline put me on guard for further selling. (more…)


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(Important piece on Greece by the newest member of the StealthFlation team, which I thought I should share with SOH should Tim be so inclined)

Submitted by Yanis Varoufakis  –  The Yanis Varoufakis Blog

Ten questions on Greece & SYRIZA, with ten answers – Q&A with Jorge N. Rodrigues

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  1. Why had the Eurogroup decided last week to grant a two-month bailout extension until February? This was a political signal for Greeks?

Officially, it was not political but a ‘realistic’ solution since it offers enough time for the “evaluation of Greece’s progress” to be completed but does not extend the ‘agony’ longer than it must. In reality, however, it was a clear message that Berlin is not interested in dealing with Mr Samaras until and unless either he elects a President in this Parliament (in which case a general election is averted) or he wins a general election (following his failure to elect a President in this Parliament). The two months expire precisely when a new government, led by Mr Samaras, or Mr Tsipras is in power. Clearly, Mrs Merkel thinks that Greece’s next agreement requires a freshly elected, or a revived, government. Deep down, the German government knows that it must now lock horns with Mr Tsipras’ SYRIZA. It is quote simple really. (more…)