More Biggies

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This day played out precisely as I hoped, in spite of admonishments from Slopers about how this day was virtually guaranteed to be a big “up” day. Price gap resistance held beautifully in both NQ and ES:


As of this writing (I have to keep typing that, because I never know how things will shake out over time) the one gleaming star for our bullish friends is Microsoft, which is doing just what AAPL did last night: ripping to lifetime highs.


Things aren’t so spiffy for Facebook, however, which is getting firebombed (and just how dumb was that Oculus acquisition, amirite?)


Similarly, Paypal – – whose success baffles me, since I think their technology is total garbage – – is getting punished after hours.


I increased my exposure somewhat from 150% to about 180% and am contentedly in 48 different short positions. And, mercifully, Powell is behind us! So we can continue to focus on earnings……………and, um, viral death.