The Growth of Slope

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I just got a full report for Slope’s traffic in 2019, and it was quite a read. Most of it is confidential, but I wanted to share a couple of nuggets. First off, not surprisingly, the good old U.S. of A is our biggest draw.


But we actually had visits from 224 countries! Here are the top five.


But let me share with you the most surprising thing of all, and somewhere I could really use your help: mobile. About a third of visits were from mobile users, which leaves me stunned, puzzled, and embarrassed. I never designed Slope to look decent on mobile. In fact, I would think the entire experience sucks. Yet they still keep coming.

For those of you on mobile………….can you throw me any requests for how I can make the experience better for you? Because I really need to get my mobile act together, since I have badly, badly guessed at how mobile audience. So………..shame on me! HELP!