Let’s TEST!

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OK, folks. The Slope 2021 project has been in the works far longer than I ever thought it would take. And it’s time for you to jump up and down on the system and see what you can break. (Incidentally, sorry for the extra Slope Digest today, which, ummm, got sent from this test server!)

Here is the link to the new site. Here are some important items to note:

  • The content is out of date by about a week. Don’t worry about it.
  • You will need to log in with your normal account. You can do so here.
  • What I’d like you to particularly focus on testing is the comments section, as well as SocialTrade. Feel free to leave random, goofy comments. This is all just for testing and won’t be retained. But please test as much of the site as you can, because we intend to deploy it this weekend, and it would be cool if it, ya know, functioned.
  • If your browser ever invokes a new tab, it has probably thrown you to the production site, which is not the focus here. Just close the extra tab.
  • If you hit any problems or bugs, please leave them in the comments section here or drop me a line.