The Salty is Back

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It seems to me that the CPI data is subtly telling us what it thinks of the experts that keep trying to predict its next move.

At the same time, Cramer is ranting up in Washington state, but he at least has the good manners to express his appreciation for their warm welcome with the sort of intelligence you might expect.

As for my own trading:

  1. I sold my SPY puts (turns out I bought Octobers……..) for a quick profit, even though I’m sure they’ll be worth much more later, but………..ghey.
  2. I added three new positions bringing the grand total to 30 puts, all expiring NEXT YEAR;
  3. I augmented some existing positions;
  4. I’m totally out of buying power, which was easy since I gutted my account by a full 25% yesterday morning, as discussed with disgust earlier.