The VIX has been down almost every single day since October 12th. Truly jaw-droppingly consistent:
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Time to Talk Turkey
Well, Slopers, familial duties beckon, and I shall leave this stage for an indeterminate amount of time in order to attend to extensive meal prep and entertainment. Take a break, and I’ll see you when the market comes to life again Friday morning.
How Lowfi Can Sofi Gofi?
I’ve mentioned how “The Stadium Curse” absolutely doomed Sofi. I’ve got to say, however, that their business model, to my mind, seems to be totally wrecked at this point. As I understand it, their principal business was to acquire government-housed student loans and offer lower rates and longer payback periods to those with student debt. That works great in a 0% interest environment. Now, however, with (1) endlessly-extended forbearance periods for paying back government loans and (2) vastly higher interest rates, which makes the government fixed rates appealing again, I’d say Sofi is screwed (And I can’t imagine how many zillions they’ve spent on mailings, since at my house alone we have easily received solicitations from them on 40 different occasions).
Energy Shorts Affirmed
And now we brace ourselves for the Fed minutes. Good luck to all………….
People Never Seem to Learn…..
Ummm, how many SPAC stocks have to yield -95% wipeouts for the public to get it? Good GOD! Anyway, since mainstream, legitimate enterprises like electric car companies and space tourism organizations got totally wiped out, it seems that John Q. Public figured a app designed for gay men to find sex partners would be just the ticket. Jesus Christ, people are gullible. This is just going to be another one for the pyre.