Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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Let’s face it: Tuesday was a throwaway day. The Dow Jones Industrials climbed 0.0091% Hey, if I’m going to pick a day to have some serious downtime, I didn’t do too badly, did I? Anyway, Wednesday will be, for better or worse, vastly more dynamic, so here are a few key charts with some remarks beneath each.

Total failure to launch. Hence the post title. And the crummy results from the likes of CRWD and NTAP won’t help.

A Visceral View of Debt

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There is a really cool graphic of the world’s money and markets which is about seventeen feet high I’m not going to put directly into the post. To see it in a separate tab, please click here. As shown below (this is like the top 1% part) each square represents $100,000,000,000. Quite a sight………… (if clicking “here” doesn’t create a new tab, please right-click on it instead, since it’s only visible in its own tab since it is, ya know, like seventeen feet high, as mentioned).

Just Stop

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The oddly-now-bullish site Zerohedge keeps looking for any reason for the market to rally this morning, even if it means doubling up and recycling the same contrived reason in adjacent articles.

The lying dictatorship of China isn’t going to save you. The “pivot” isn’t going to safe you. Peak inflation isn’t going to save you (and neither will the deflation which takes its place). The sins of the past three decades must be repaid, and that repayment doesn’t come in the form of a 6% dip in the Dow Industrials.

As for tomorrow, the permabullish ZH is calling for a “meltup” for the entire rest of the year!. They sure have changed!