Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Dell Years

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Did you ever wonder how such a successful company as Dell Computers, with an entrenched strategic advantage, lost so badly to Apple?  I’m about to give you an inside scoop.  I worked for Dell from 2003-2007.  This is my story from the inside.

I walked up to the front entrance of Dell Computers in Nashville, Tennessee.  As I entered, I was ushered over to a side room in the lobby to sign some forms, and meet up with a small group of bright, young faces.  After signing our forms, we walked to a security check point at the edge of the lobby to have our pictures taken and security badges created.  Past the security check point, the lobby opened to a large dividing area that separates the two massive wings of the sales complex. 

We took a left, and the scene opened up into a room of wall-to-wall rows of desks, computers, phones, and sales agents as far as the eye could see.  My eyes lit up.  My heart began to beat a bit quicker.  I knew I could be great at this, and I wanted the chance to prove it.  It was orientation day, and I was about to be unleashed on the public.


PREMIUM: Inverted Ripples

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Note: This post is special enough to be labeled a premium post, which means that it is (with the exception of the paragraph you are reading now) visible only to Gold and Platinum subscribers. If you would like to try a risk-free subscription to get immediate access to all premium content, as well as the dozens of other features exclusive for paid accounts, click here to learn about your choices. Everyone is welcome to continue chatting in comments below (or, for a more free-flowing experience, please use SlopeTalk).