Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Everything Changed This Week

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Last week, I was at the end of my proverbial rope. It seemed that every possible hope for the bears had been blown to oblivion, and I said as much. I was prepared to basically go into financial hibernation until such time as things seemed not quite as rigged against short-sellers.

Well, things changed, and they changed in a powerful fashion. I was profitable all five days in a row this week, and I had the best week I’ve had in the last five months, and maybe even for the entirety of this ridiculous year. I wanted to say a few words about some charts to point out some aspects that I believe have changed for the better (if you’re the ursine sort).

First off, the Dow Jones Financial sector not only failed to break out, but it is executing the “slumping out of the pattern” action I was hoping might transpire.
